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In Your Community with a
Bumper Sticker or Car Magnet

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Should this dog be "humanely" euthanized?

There are reasons that this dog (and others like her)
have to be "put to sleep"...

Pet euthanasia happens each and every day,
in shelters all across the USA.

Look around you... how many people do you know who
Do Not have a single pet in their home?.

Chances are, you know plenty... 

They may have different "reasons" for not having pets... work schedule, landlord issues, allergies, lifestyle choices, etc...

But the bottom line is... there are many more "homes WITHOUT pets"
than there are "welcoming homes FOR pets".

But no one should be "forced" to own a pet.

So the logical next choice is to solve some of the problems/reasons
why there are too many pets in animal shelters.

Often... there are "accidents".

Have you seen people with a box full of cute puppies or kittens,
maybe outside of a store somewhere, with a sign "free to good homes"?

Chances are, that those cute fluffy fur-friends, will all find good homes.

Sure... the litter happened by accident, due to the failure of the pet owners to
spay or neuter their animals... but if all the puppies and kittens find homes,
no harm done... Right?


For every puppy and kitten given away..
there one less "adoption" from the animal shelter.

Animal shelters only have so much room...
and they often receive animals each and every day.

Unfortunately, euthanizing pets like this,
due to lack of space in shelters, happens every day.

But it doesn't have to.

We believe in spreading the word about Spaying and Neutering pets...
as well as sharing "why" allowing pets to have litters,
results in dogs like this being euthanized.

It starts with YOU... and it starts in your own community!

It can be as simple as putting a magnet on your car, so that every time you drive
or park your vehicle, you are spreading this important message.

You can volunteer with your local spay and neuter group,
to not only "spread the word" but also help with fundraising, to provide
low cost or free spay/neuter services in your area.

If you are not afraid to "talk to people" about the spay and neuter issue,
wearing clothing that has this message can be a great conversation starter...
and yes, people DO notice and will often comment our clothing and the
fact that more people need to be "reminded" about this important issue.

(Click on photos below to see shirt/sweatshirt designs)

Be The Solution Shirt

Spay and Neuter Shirt Balls are for Playing Fetch T-Shirt

Should this dog (or any healthy pet for that matter) be "humanely" euthanized?

Should they? No...

Does it end up happening? Yes... more often than you think.

Take action... Spread the Work... Talk to People in your Community...

and BE The Solution these pets so desperately need! 


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